Hey, guys! Or... whoever may stumble upon this, at this point...
I'm kinda here just to say I'm kinda ashamed at myself... I mean, I told myself I would keep this blog up and running, and I did what I could to provide you guys with awesome content (at least, that's what I thought it was), but all I did was drop the project at one point.
Lately I've been so friggin' busy half the time, I rarely even remember this thing exists... And it makes me sad, honestly. My laptop's on the fritz again (yes... AGAIN!), I'm in college now and half a full week with classes, and so much more has been going on! I'm looking into getting myself a job, but idk what I wanna do. I was thinking of working at a local GameStop, but at the same time....
I also have to say, I wanna work for myself. I want to control my own future, be the decider of my own fate, the maker of my own design. I'll work for that, especially if it means I'll be able to support the ones I love. I'm currently looking up ways to make some money as we speak, but I'm not sure what to do. I keep seeing "Make A Blog!" everywhere, but... at this point, it's almost depressing me.
*sigh* Well, I need to buck up and get things straight! I'll still try and post here, but it won't be like before. Maybe if my LP's actually start picking up (once my laptop's back, of course) and I hopefully get some viewers, then... by all means, the Pokemon Hive will be making a comeback, and I promise that to you all.
Whoever reads this, well... Let me know how you're doing~ Tell me what's on your mind after this 2-month gap! ........... Well that didn't help my mood to realize...~ =3=
Anyway, I gotta bounce, so I'll catch you all late, 'kay~? Buh-bye, Hivians!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
What Am I Even Doing...?
Let's Play,
Pokemon Hive,
The Pokemon Hive,
watch me,
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Pokemon of the Week - Donphan
Hallo everyone, and welcome back to another Pokemon of the Week! I know I've neglected the blog for the last week (hell, this post is a day late), but I've been busy with college, and my other projects. Now I'm not making excuses, so don't take it as that, ok? I just haven't felt that motivated to write as much lately, but I'll make one thing clear. This blog will not die off...Serebii.net - Donphan Pokedex Entry
Ok, today's little lesson on Pokemon will be directed at the most badass elephant you will ever know! Yeap, we got Donphan here! Now, Donphan is one of the (rare-to-be-good) pure Ground-Types, and he does his job extremely well, and is very well-rounded. Donphan is very slow (though the anime has always taught us otherwise), and his Special stats are both pretty abysmal. Outside of that, he has a pretty decent HP stat, and his Attack and Defense are both very good! Basically, any physical attacker will have trouble with Donphan. Its movepool starts off slow, but eventually shine through to his great assets.
Base Stats:
HP - 90
Atk - 120
Def - 120
SpAtk - 60
SpDef - 60
Spd - 50
Donphan @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP, 188 Atk, 68 Def
Nature: Adamant
- Earthquake
- Rapid Spin
- Assurance
- Ice Shard/Stealth Rock
Donphan has the potential to be one of the most useful Rapid Spinners in the game! As one of the few Pokemon who viably use it, he can even excel in an OU environment. Donphan is a UU Pokemon, but is capable of walling and crushing a lot of common attacker of the OU environment. If used against a physical opponent, his job is set. Even the infamous Tyranitar, Scizor, and Metagross can't hit him hard enough to be a major threat. Earthquake is his strongest STAB (and if that wasn't obvious, learn about Pokemon!). Assurance halts the Spin-Blockers like Rotom-A super-effectively. Rapid Spin is the bane of a lot of common Pokemon, especially in OU. Donphan resists Stealth Rock, and can send it away easily. I couldn't decide between Ice Shard and Stealth Rock. With his ability to end SR on the other side, he can just as easily do it here too. Ice Shard gives more coverage, and gives priority that helps with his low Speed (especially since the Pokemon weak to it are likely Specially-oriented). Overall, it's up to you, so try it out~!
I will not actually go into a 5th Generation set here. The only real difference I can say (besides any combination of the above set's moves) is to use a Custap Berry. This will make any attack that brings it to low health (easy with Sturdy, as long as you don't get hit by Icicle Spear) cause Donphan to get a priority for its next attack. Using this, you can get in at least one more devastating attack to your enemy! Uhm... just watch out for Pranksters.. o3o"
Hope you guys had fun reading this, and I'll see you next time! So comment! 8U
Gute nacht! Ja ne, oyasumi! :3
Let's Play,
Pokemon Hive,
Pokemon of the Week,
Ross Epling
Monday, August 15, 2011
Pokemon of the Week - Gengar
Hallo, everyone! Welcome to the new Pokemon of the Week! Today I have another 1st generation Pokemon, and it's another of my favorite from the games of old~Serebii.net - Suicune Pokedex Entry
Gengar. One of about 3 Pokemon to have stayed in the OU Tier for all 5 Generations! It didn't get many new things this generation, but it still stands as a very high-end Special Sweeper. Although it is very powerful, and holds immunities to 3 types, and quite a number of resistances, it is very frail. It will likely die in 1 or 2 hits from most strong attackers. Despite this, it can outspeed a large number of the 5th Generation metagame, including those that pose a threat to it. Honestly, it would not be a bad choice whatsoever~
Base Stats:
HP - 60
Atk - 65
Def - 60
SpAtk - 130
SpDef - 75
Spd - 110
Gengar @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP, 252 SpAtk, 252 Spd
Nature: Timid
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power [Fire/Ice]
Nothing gimmicky, just a highly offensive Special Sweeper that very few Pokemon can be safe from. Shadow Ball is awesome for STAB, and hits a lot of Pokemon way too hard. Focus Blast, though inaccurate, gives very nice coverage with Shadow Ball. Thunderbolt basically completes the coverage against the threats to Gengar, and decimates Gyarados and a few others. Finally, Hidden Power works in both Fire and Ice. Fire kills Scizor, Forretress, Ferrothorn, Skarmory, and a lot of other hard-/fast-hitting enemies. Ice can freeze Salamence, Latios, Garchomp, Hydreigon, and any other threat very hard as well. Short: Have fun~
Gengar @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP, 252 SpAtk, 252 Spd
Nature: Timid
- Shadow Ball
-Focus Blast
- Substitute
- Disable
Another set for Gengar in 5th Gen. This one is more gimmicky, but plays well to the fact that Disable now has 100% accuracy. The idea is to use Substitute to scout the opponent's move. Disable it if it would help, then switch or sweep accordingly. If they switch, then atack and follow the strategy of Disabling then attacking further. Leftovers should help get in another Sub if needed, or if you get the chance. Shadow Ball with Focus Blast give almost perfect coverage, so sweep away. Not much else to say here, so go at it!
Did this help you? I hope so~ If you guys liked it, check back often for more!
Gute nacht! Ja ne, oyasumi! Buh-bye~!
Pokemon Hive,
Ross Epling
Pokemon of the Week - Suicune
Hey guys! Welcome to today's Pokemon of the Week~!I wanted to do a 2nd Gen Pokemon so I thought for a bit and thought "Hmm... Suicune might be fun!" And so... well... here I am! Hehe... Anyway, I hope you all like today's post, and comment on what you'd like me to talk about here!Serebii.net - Suicune Pokedex Entry
Suicune (for a non-Uber) is a very good Pokemon in all aspects of the phrase. It has a defensive spread of 100/115/115 which is simply incredible! It is somewhat slow at 85 speed, but its other statistics make up for its faults. It's pure Water typing gives it great defensive capabilities, and is very easy to set up. The 4th Gen metagame may have given it some stiff competition in some points, but those who underestimate this lupine creature will be drowned in its watery torrent. Sadly, it is very predictable in its main set, but used right it can be the star of the show! ...And harbinger of doom to the opponent's.
Base Stats:
HP - 100
Atk - 75
Def - 115
SpAtk - 90
SpDef - 115
Spd - 85
Suicune @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 SpAtk, 4 SpDef, 252 Spd
Nature: Timid
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Calm Mind
- Hidden Power [Electric]
A defensive Pokemon with offensive set? Huuuuuh...? Now due to its defenses, Suicune has a very easy time setting up, even if the opponent has some sort of type advantage. Using this, Calm Mind raises your Special Attack and Special Defense, further boosting this defensive wall's capabilities! If you can set up on a Special Attacker, then nothing will be able to easily stop your setup without risk. After a couple Calm Minds, your attacks will be able to KO a vast majority of the metagame! The EVs and Nature help you accomplish this, and Leftovers complements it perfectly! It helps keep you alive while they try and stop your setup, and helps assure your survival once you begin your sweep~! The combination of Surf, Ice Beam, and HP [Electric] gives Suicune here almost perfect coverage from all but a couple Pokemon. If you can get him out right, you'll have a fun time with this. Oh yeah, if you want more immediate power, a Life Orb is another option, though I prefer Leftovers.
Suicune @ Life Orb
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 SpAtk, 4 SpDef, 252 Spd
Nature: Modest
- Tailwind
- Hydro Pump/Brine
- Icy Wind/Ice Beam
- Signal Beam
Now, this set isn't quite as competitively-based as the last one, but can be used in a variety of play. I got the idea from a set used by the maker of a Pokemon Battle Revolution guide on GameFAQs, but tweaked it around and added the EVs and Nature and stuff. Tailwind helps if you have a slow team, and helps Suicune's less-than-spectacular Speed become better. Hydro Pump is for maximum damage to the enemy, or you can use Brine for its effect. Icy Wind will slow down your opponent further, which is great for when you need to slow a fast opponent. Ice Beam of course is a solid replacement. Finally, Signal Beam can easily help against common Ubers or OU Pokemon weak to it. Given the right setup and support, Suicune can probably OHKO a Mewtwo or others with it! Life Orb and the various spreads help for maximum power and Speed with Tailwind.
I hope you guys enjoyed my Suicune post, and use it to your own advantage! If you have any comments or replies, let me know via that little comment button!
Anyway, until next time, have a good day~ Ja ne, und guten tag! :3
Game Freak,
Pokemon Battle Revolution,
Pokemon Hive,
Pokemon of the Week,
Friday, August 12, 2011
Pokemon BW In-Game Information
Aaaaaaaand... Hey guys! I'm sorry for my lack of consistency in my posts, I've just been busy with other projects as well, and things are starting up soon.
As I've said before, I have started doing a Let's Play (video playthrough with commentary) on Pokemon White. I have recently gotten to receiving my 3rd Gym Badge of the game! Yay!
As I've told you guys, it's a semi-informational LP, so I tell important/hidden points in the game, as well as rundowns of each Pokemon and their stats/moves/pros/cons/whatever! If you guys are interested, I really hope you'd check it out, but it's up to you. I will be giving the information of the game as I go along, with some comedy of my fails mixed in~ |D Anyways, enjoy whatever your decision may be! :3 I have links below~
Here is the first episode of my Pokemon White LP:
Here is the latest episode of my Pokemon White LP:
So I hope you all have a good day, and I'll talk to you next time! :3 If you actively watch here, please comment with me~! X'3
Guten tag! Ja ne~! :3
As I've said before, I have started doing a Let's Play (video playthrough with commentary) on Pokemon White. I have recently gotten to receiving my 3rd Gym Badge of the game! Yay!
As I've told you guys, it's a semi-informational LP, so I tell important/hidden points in the game, as well as rundowns of each Pokemon and their stats/moves/pros/cons/whatever! If you guys are interested, I really hope you'd check it out, but it's up to you. I will be giving the information of the game as I go along, with some comedy of my fails mixed in~ |D Anyways, enjoy whatever your decision may be! :3 I have links below~
Here is the first episode of my Pokemon White LP:
Here is the latest episode of my Pokemon White LP:
So I hope you all have a good day, and I'll talk to you next time! :3 If you actively watch here, please comment with me~! X'3
Guten tag! Ja ne~! :3
Let's Play,
Pokemon Hive,
Ross Epling,
Saturday, August 6, 2011
More C-Gear Skins Available Now!
Hey guys, we actually have some good new for those of you who actively go to the Dream World/Pokemon Global Link! (Don't worry, this applies to you even if you rarely go on a whim...)
What this update is about is 2 new Pokemon Black & White C-Gear Skins!! And I gotta say... One of them is pretty awesome~ (and is my current one)
The first of these two C-Gear Skins is called Earful Audino, and the password needed to unlock and use this Skin upon re-entry to the game from the Dream World is: YAHOOAUDINO
And here's a little preview of what you'll be gettin'!
Next is the POKEMON WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS 2011 C-Gear Skin! And I truly have to say this again... Pikachu never looked so badass~! |3
Anywho, the password for this International Skin is in fact: WorldsCGear
Like usual, enter the password in the Promotions section of the PGL to get a nice little G-Gear Skin that looks something like this~
Haha, idk what language the tab buttons are |'3 |
So again, I know if you guys keep up with Serebii enough this will be old news, so I gotta work on some stuff to give you guys! I'm probably not even getting many (if any?) readers here anymore! It sucks! *sigh* </rant>
Anyway I hope you all have a fun day and enjoy your summer! Live it up while you can~!
Game Freak,
Pokemon Hive,
Ross Epling,
world championships
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Pokemon Rumble Blast, plus Info
Hey guys! As you know, Serebii's been keeping us updated with info on the recently announced Pokemon Rumble Blast, a new Nintendo 3DS title.
The other day, some more Passwords for the game were released, and this time, 2 of them have their full details! If I remember correctly, they are for Oshawott and Zoroark toys~ Along with this, more information has been released, including a full list of Pokemon Rumble Blast abilities!
So far the game looks like it will be a fun title, with even more added in to diversify it from its Pokemon predecessor, Pokemon Rumble for the Nintendo Wii's Wiiware. I hope to see this released here sooner!
As a side update, I have already ordered a capture card to record some of my games on, so I just need to wait for it to arrive here. Alongside any Let's Plays and things like that that I do, I may also record some Pokemon battles in my spare time... well, given I can find my Pokemon Battle Revolution... >>" I have no clue where it went! o3o" But that's beside the point.
I hope you guys enjoyed the update today, and sorry for not being able to bring in new material with my limited options here ^^;; I have to try and find a way to gather up and information network... Well, until then!
Ja ne~ Have a good day/night~! Bye! :3
Yay~ 3 of my favorites~ :3 |
The other day, some more Passwords for the game were released, and this time, 2 of them have their full details! If I remember correctly, they are for Oshawott and Zoroark toys~ Along with this, more information has been released, including a full list of Pokemon Rumble Blast abilities!
So far the game looks like it will be a fun title, with even more added in to diversify it from its Pokemon predecessor, Pokemon Rumble for the Nintendo Wii's Wiiware. I hope to see this released here sooner!
As a side update, I have already ordered a capture card to record some of my games on, so I just need to wait for it to arrive here. Alongside any Let's Plays and things like that that I do, I may also record some Pokemon battles in my spare time... well, given I can find my Pokemon Battle Revolution... >>" I have no clue where it went! o3o" But that's beside the point.
I hope you guys enjoyed the update today, and sorry for not being able to bring in new material with my limited options here ^^;; I have to try and find a way to gather up and information network... Well, until then!
Ja ne~ Have a good day/night~! Bye! :3
Let's Play,
new Pokemon game,
Pokemon Battle Revolution,
Pokemon Hive,
Pokemon Rumble,
Pokemon Rumble Blast,
Ross Epling,
Super Pokemon Scramble
Monday, August 1, 2011
Pokemon of the Week - Mightyena
Hey guys! Welcome back to Pokemon of the Week~! In apology for neglecting this blog the last couple weeks (since enrolling in Mt. SAC and starting my Let's Play project), I'm gonna do another obscure PotW analysis here! We have Mightyena, one of my favorite Pokemon around 3rd Gen, and I'm gonna teach you a few things here, including how I've used it viably in OU play! Enjoy~Serebii.net - Mightyena Pokedex Entry
Mightyena is a strange Pokemon in a way. Its higher offensive stat is Attack, but it is used more viably in a Special set. Mightyena kind of lacked back in 3rd Gen before the Physical/Special split, especially given the strange choice of Nintendo and Game Freak to make Dark a Special typing, which is weird given that the only Dark Types at its release were Houndoom and Tyranitar. But the only good Dark attacks were Physical or support! Anyway, while its Special Attack isn't the best, it has good enough attacks in its movepool to somewhat make use of it. Plus, it gets 3 of the best abilities of the game! Read on~
Base Stats:
HP - 70
Atk - 90
Def - 70
SpAtk - 60
SpDef - 60
Spd - 70
Mightyena @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Quick Feet
EVs: 252 Atk, 4 Def, 252 Spd
Nature: Adamant
- Facade
- Sucker Punch
- Crunch
- Howl
I'm starting off here with a physical set despite what I was talking about before. Now, Mightyena has incredible abilities, one of which is Quick Feet. What Quick Feet does is basically give Mightyena an immunity to almost every status condition. When it has any status (sans Paralysis), his below average Speed gets doubled! Now that helps this weak attacker very well! With the Poison from the Toxic Orb, Mightyena also gets a doubled boost to Facade as well, making it easily his strongest attack. Sigh... If only it was STABed... Anyways, Crunch is for the STAB, and Sucker Punch works since most enemies will be attacking this low-Defensive 'mon. I chose Taunt over Howl for a couple reasons. Mightyena isn't seen as strong, so they may try and set up on it, plus the Speed boost will help Taunt better. Also, Taunt can force them to use moves they'd rather not be using with Mightyena, which is awesome bait for Sucker Punch! If you need Howl's Attack boost though, by all means go ahead!
Mightyena @ Life Orb
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk, 40 SpAtk, 216 Spd
Nature: Naive
- Sucker Punch
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Overheat
This set it still Physically oriented, but has a bit of power in Special Attack. Sucker Punch is the normal priority attack if you can predict an opposing one. Earthquake hits Steels and other resistors. Stone Edge can take on Gyarados, Salamence, and anything else that doesn't appreciate Rock. Now for the final puzzle piece, and as to why there is some Special-ness on this set. Overheat on this Naive set can actually OHKO a Skarmory (well... some variations of it). Stealth Rock support helps immensely, including with Skarmory-killing. If you run Jolly over Naive, then Stealth Rock is necessary for the kill. Overall a nice set, for what a Mightyena can give~
So, how was this one? Help any OU or UU fans? I hope you guys have fun reading my work, honestly... Comment if you read~! X3
Anyway, stay tuned next time for the next post, and another Pokemon of the Week! And don't forget to click here to check out my new Let's Play channel on YouTube! :3
Ja~ Catch ya' all later then~! Guten tag! :3
Pokemon Hive,
Pokemon of the Week,
Ross Epling
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Let's Play Pokemon White
Hey, guys! :3 I know it's been a few days since my last update, and I really don't like that (been really busy with other things... Specifically what I'm about to talk about). But anyway, I decided to bring in something with "extra content" for you all today! I hope you like this, so enjoy~

Starting today, I am officially a YouTube LPer! For those of you who don't know what an LPer is, it is a person who, through videos (that usually have live or post commentary of some sort), create episodes of themselves playing through an entire game! These usually are very informative about the game, as well as often funny~ If you're interested, I highly recommend you check out the YouTube Channels of NintendoCapriSun, chuggaaconroy, and lucahjin!
As of today, I have began to upload my own LP. My first Project is my informational and comedic run-through of Pokemon White Version. I will be showing much of the game, and I hope that you guys come to watch, and enjoy the work I do! :3
To reach my first video or my YouTube Channel, you can use the links below to find them! Please comment, rate, and subscribe if you like my work! I will be working daily to provide episodes along with better quality each time! Have a good day~~
Game Freak,
Let's Play,
Nintendo DS,
Pokemon Hive,
Ross Epling,
Monday, July 25, 2011
Pokemon of the Week - Sigilyph
Serebii.net - Sigilyph Pokedex Entry
Sigilyph is an ancient Pokemon who used to guard an ancient city of old. It is said that it will continue to fly the same path without change, as its memories of guarding the long-torn city still remain vigilant in its mind. Behaviors aside, this is a very nice Pokemon! I never thought too much into it, but it's true~ While its defenses at 72/80/80 are a bit shaky at best, its Special Attack is very respectable at 103~ Plus, a 97 Base Speed is by no means horrid. Other than that, it has a nice typing that, even with an assortment of weaknesses, it hits a lot of Pokemon very hard! Plus its movepool is pretty good, and it's extremely useful for in-game purposes!
Base Stats:
HP - 72
Atk - 58
Def - 80
SpAtk - 103
SpDef - 80
Spd - 97
Sigilyph @ Flame Orb/Toxic Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 4 HP, 252 SpAtk, 252 Spd
Nature: Modest/Timid
- Psychic/Psyshock
- Air Slash
- Charge Beam/Shadow Ball
- Ice Beam/Energy Ball/Shadow Ball
This is my own idea for a set, and I think it would work out pretty nicely~ The Nature and EVs shouldn't have to be explained here (look at its Base Stats!), I would hope. Psychic and Psyshock are your STAB moves of choice here, and if you don't mind the slightly lower-powered attack to be able to hit a Pokemon with low Defense~ Air Slash complements this nicely as a STAB and allows you to hit Darks and Bugs, the latter for super-effective damage. Next, I would choose between Charge Beam or Shadow Ball. Charge Beam allows you to hit Steels that wall your other attacks, as well as potentially getting a boost to your already good Special Attack! Shadow Ball is more powerful with nice complements, but you lose the ability to hit Steels hard enough. For the last slot, Ice Beam, Energy Ball, and Shadow Ball (if you didn't choose it before) are prime choice, depending on what you may need coverage on. Finally, Sigilyph gets Magic Guard, which is one of the best abilities in the game! It makes all Weather and indirect-damage moves do zero damage to Sigilyph! This helps it defend from a lot of things that normally cripple it, and allow for a sneaky yet useful strategy, even if used on a weather team. Holding a Flame Orb makes it so that any contact attack will have a chance to burn (and thus cripple) your opponent! And if you don't fear physical attack, who cares? Use a Toxic Orb, which badly poisons (more damage each turn) the enemy! I like the idea of this strategy, honestly~
Other Option:
I chose that set above since many people who don't go into competitive battling rarely use stat/non-damaging moves except for a few of them, and Sigilyph can access quite a few, some that help it and the team~ Sigilyph can provide Dual Screen support, which even helps itself due to its mediocre to low defensive stats which are also aided within Roost. Have a slow team? You can even use Tailwind to speed you all up! Great for teams like mine (I have Emboar, Gigalith, Beartic, and Haxorus, though Haxorus isn't that slow). Or even Gravity if you have a lot of Earthquake users and don't want anyone to avoid your strategy. Finally, if your team calls for it, Sigilyph can even be a set-up Pokemon for Rain Dance and/or Trick Room! Sheesh... I'm starting to like this guy even more! xD
So, whatcha thinkin'~? I know it may not be what everyone is looking mostly for, but I hope this can be of use to people who don't have much need for my usual PotW entries. As I said, if I can make one person happy with my info or anything, that would make my day!
So I hope to see you all again soon! And please comment... I would love to hear from readers, truly~
Good night! Guten tag! Ja oyasumi! :3 NiGHtsBeta09, signing out~
Pokemon Hive,
Pokemon of the Week,
Ross Epling,
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Double Info Post!
Hey guys, not much to update on today, but I have some smaller information for you. I'll still be posting my PotW tomorrow, though~
First of all, I got my laptop back up and working! Seriously, if the HD crashes again.... =.= Anyway, I got it back to my posts will be up more, and I will try and provide quality entertainment/knowledge for you all again~! :3 (How many... of you are there...?)
There shouldn't be much else to keep me back, so I'll try and keep it fresh. Do comment if you can, since it's hard to think up topics a lot of times, so I could use the requests well~! Thanks~!
Secondly, I will soon be starting a Let's Play! Check out chuggaaconroy, NintendoCapriSun, JoshJepson, or Lucahjin on YouTube if you don't know what it is. Even if you do, I still highly recommend watching their videos!
Anyway, Mine will be a Pokemon LP, so keep tuned into my new channel on YouTube, ok~?
BetaNights's YouTube Channel
So I'll catch you all tomorrow for the beginning of my bigger posts now, ok? Have fun!
Ja~ Guten tag~
First of all, I got my laptop back up and working! Seriously, if the HD crashes again.... =.= Anyway, I got it back to my posts will be up more, and I will try and provide quality entertainment/knowledge for you all again~! :3 (How many... of you are there...?)
There shouldn't be much else to keep me back, so I'll try and keep it fresh. Do comment if you can, since it's hard to think up topics a lot of times, so I could use the requests well~! Thanks~!
Secondly, I will soon be starting a Let's Play! Check out chuggaaconroy, NintendoCapriSun, JoshJepson, or Lucahjin on YouTube if you don't know what it is. Even if you do, I still highly recommend watching their videos!
Anyway, Mine will be a Pokemon LP, so keep tuned into my new channel on YouTube, ok~?
BetaNights's YouTube Channel
So I'll catch you all tomorrow for the beginning of my bigger posts now, ok? Have fun!
Ja~ Guten tag~
Pokemon Hive,
Ross Epling,
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Pokemon of the Week - Froslass
Serebii.net - Froslass Pokedex Entry
I'm not the biggest fan of entry hazards such as Spikes or Stealth Rock, but I have to say using Froslass is one of my favorite users/leads of it. One reason is though its weaknesses are common, its Ghost typing helps it set up Spikes and block Rapid Spin very successfully almost every time, if played right! And unlike some Spikes leads, it also can stop set-ups with Taunt, and is faster than other Pokemon of the same use like Skarmory or Forretress. Its Ghost-Type also allows it to work the same use in Uber, and pretty effectively at that! I hope to see this Pokemon get a nice revamp soon~
Base Stats:
HP - 70
Atk - 80
Def - 70
SpAtk - 80
SpDef - 70
Spd - 110
Froslass @ Focus Sash
Ability: Snow Cloak
EVs: 252 SpAtk, 4 SpDef, 252 Spd
Nature: Timid
- Spikes
- Taunt
- Ice Beam
- Destiny Bond
This is actually a pretty fun set to use, honestly~ I know it's from Smogon, but I like this one! I used it on one of my teams, and once I got better with prediction, I was able to set it up against most leads fairly efficiently! The Nature and Focus Sash help to guarantee a safe spot if you make a mistake or your prediction fails. The goal here is to lay down as many layers of Spikes as you can manage, and do it effectively. If you know your opponent can Taunt you, use your Speed to Taunt it first so it doesn't cripple your strategy. Ice Beam is the typical STAB to take down some Pokemon that will go against you. Despite her low Special Attack, it can pull of a OHKO or 2HKO on certain Pokemon with the listed spread. Lastly, the move that adds some flair to this set: Destiny Bond. It may take a little strategy and timing to do, but with the Focus Sash, you are guaranteed at least one layer of Spikes, then a KO of what can be one of your opponent's most-needed ones! If you play right, you can cripple them~ And one good thing I've found about Froslass is that even if it faints, it's usually not a major loss to your team, overall~ Plus, on Hail Teams, Snow Cloak will help obliterate opponents if you're lucky with evasion hax! Have fun with this~
5th Generation
What is pretty interesting about Frolass is that in 5th Generation, it got very few new things, but adapted to the game pretty well nonetheless. In fact, the above set works just as well in the new metagame as before, with a few differences.
First, an EV spread of 160 HP, 98 Def, 252 Spd works nicely, as you can still outspeed and work against your possible counters. The HP and Defense points allow you to survive a wall's attacks to get more Spikes in, or whatever you need, from particularly hard-hitting walls.
Lastly, the move Ice Beam can be kept, or you can use Shadow Ball if you need that STAB more, as it's still reliable. Another option (mostly due to the power that Froslass lacks) is Icy Wind, which can slow your enemy, making it easier to set up and run off.
Now enter this new, more powerful metagame, and play~!
Hehe, how do you guys like this one? I love writing about the lesser-known or -used Pokemon that can still hold their own in the right hands.
Again, I'm waiting for my lapop to return from repair, so sorry for the day-late PotW! Hope I'm not being hated... Yeah right, I rarely get comments, and I dunno who even reads these... I just hope I can help someone with these, and maybe make Pokemon a funner place for everyone to play in!
Anyway, have a good day! Ja ne~! :3
4th Generation,
5th Generation,
Pokemon Hive,
Pokemon of the Week,
Ross Epling,
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Pokemon Battles
Hey, everyone! Sorry for not updating... It feels weird, but not much I can do about it with my current situation. I finally received the shipping box for my laptop and it's on the way to Toshiba now.
So, on a lighter note, I wanna join the Pokemon Battling Metagame again~! If anyone here wants to battle me, just ask me and provide the following details:

Anyway, I generally don't run Uber or Legends in my team except in special conditions (Lugia in SoulSilver, I like that guy too much~). I will let you knowif I do, and will change if you wish it to be purely non-Uber.
Note: I also run both competitive and friendly play teams. By these I mean "competitive" is the general Pokemon that are fully EV-trained, well-thought-out movesets, and made for actual hardcore battles. "Friendly play" is more of a friend-to-friend combat arena, where I battle using Pokemon such as those I used during the game itself, and aren't EV-trained or bred for specific things. Deepest I go for them is simply finding specific Natures, but not always.
So as before, if anyone would like to battle me, just give me your information from before, and I will respond with my Friend Code and we can work it out from there~ Hope to hear from you all soon!
Good day~ Ja ne~ Guten tag~ :3 Until next time!
PS) It wouldn't let me add another image for some reason, but Platinum, Black, and White are included as well~! |3
So, on a lighter note, I wanna join the Pokemon Battling Metagame again~! If anyone here wants to battle me, just ask me and provide the following details:
- Which game you wish to battle me in (I have nearly every Pokemon game, so don't feel too limited by anything besides WiFi).
- Your Friend Code for said game. I will provide mine after you message/comment to me, as I don't want to just list up all my Friend Codes at once~
- Any "rules" or "requests" that you would like, such as no Ubers (Legendaries), a certain Tier, limits, or whatever else you may want. See Note below for expanse.
Anyway, I generally don't run Uber or Legends in my team except in special conditions (Lugia in SoulSilver, I like that guy too much~). I will let you knowif I do, and will change if you wish it to be purely non-Uber.
Note: I also run both competitive and friendly play teams. By these I mean "competitive" is the general Pokemon that are fully EV-trained, well-thought-out movesets, and made for actual hardcore battles. "Friendly play" is more of a friend-to-friend combat arena, where I battle using Pokemon such as those I used during the game itself, and aren't EV-trained or bred for specific things. Deepest I go for them is simply finding specific Natures, but not always.
So as before, if anyone would like to battle me, just give me your information from before, and I will respond with my Friend Code and we can work it out from there~ Hope to hear from you all soon!
Good day~ Ja ne~ Guten tag~ :3 Until next time!
PS) It wouldn't let me add another image for some reason, but Platinum, Black, and White are included as well~! |3
friend code,
Pokemon Hive,
Ross Epling,
Monday, July 11, 2011
Pokemon of the Week - Tauros

Hey, guys! Here's the usual Pokemon of the Week post~! This time I chose Tauros, as I wanted a First Generation Pokemon and he is one of my favorites! Beyond computer trouble, not much else to say. I hope you guys all have fun, as usual~! :3
Serebii.net - Tauros Pokedex Entry
Tauros~ The Bull Pokemon~ Represented by the astrological sign Taurus~ 30 of which caught by Ash at once~! Jeez... This Pokemon has some nice history and recognition! Back in RBY (1st Gen), Tauros was the alpha, the king of the herd. Yet while everyone was given new toys to play with among the next four generations, Tauros got little to none, and the things he did get weren't the best. He does have two epic abilities in Intimidate and Anger Point! Intimidate is the well-known one (Salamence? Gyarados, anyone?), and Anger Point is situational but devastating! If a critical hit is landed on Tauros, his Attack is raised by +6! That's around 3 to 4 times its normal Attack~! After that, little can stand in his way~ Couple these with nice attacks and you have a viable Pokemon, yet it's sadly outclassed outside of NU or UU battle.
Base Stats:
HP - 75
Atk - 100
Def - 95
SpAtk - 40
SpDef - 70
Spd - 110
Tauros @ Choice Band
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 4 HP, 252 Atk, 252 Spd
Nature: Adamant
- Double-Edge
- Payback/Pursuit
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake
Let me make this clear now. I've never been much of a fan of Choice Items. I mean, you're stuck on one attack, and if they bring in a full counter to the attack, then they get a free switch out of you if you don't have a counter to it. I prefer flexibility. But anyway, with this set, even I have to admit, Choice Band works better than Life Orb with these attacks. Double-Edge with Life Orb recoil spells death for this bullish beast, and Choice Band with Adamant lets him 2HKO bulky Pokemon like Slowbro, Articuno, some Moltres, and more. Payback and Pursuit are preference, and I see both as fitting options. Payback can kill most Ghosts that switch in, OHKOing most. Or you can bring him in on a Ghost and Pursuit when it flees. But note, without entry hazard support, healthy Ghosts can survive if they stay in. Stone Edge takes down Fliers and Ice-Types, even defensive ones. Lastly, Earthquake is the standard that de-walls Steels and Rocks, who otherwise watch idly as you tickle them... Fun. This is actually a nice set, and you can always Return if you like Life Orb more, but choose wisely, and go rampage stuff!
Tauros @ Salac Berry/Leftovers
Ability: Anger Point
EVs: 4 HP, 252 Atk, 252 Spd
Nature: Jolly
- Return
- Substitute
- Earthquake
- Payback
Anger Point... A devastating ability with the chance to bring on annihilation, hindered by its situationality... Return is your strongest attack available here, as Double-Edge's recoil is too fatal for this set to work. Earthquake wails on walls of stone and metal (Rock and Steel, for the oblivious), as before. Payback is for those nasty Ghosts that think they're better for you, and due to their speed (though you as Jolly may outrun them), you may get the hard hit, lest on a switch in. Finally, Substitute is the focal point of this set~ What you do is Sub until the opponent gets a critical hit, which maximizes your Attack! No one can stop you now! A Salac Berry works nicely to add Speed to complement your imminent team sweep, but Leftovers can allow one more Substitute, giving you more time to activate Anger Point. Some may use a Liechi Berry, as while Anger Point makes it useless, it does give a nice Attack boost if Anger Point should fail. All in all, this is a fun set, but will not accomplish what's all possible if the bull won't get Angry~!
Yay~ Another PotW done~! I hope you guys liked this one, as it was troublesome to make! I can't begin to expressmy frustration, but I'm doing alright...
My posts maybe delayed for a while, as my laptop has crashed... again... *sigh* Anyway, while I'm getting it repaired, I'm on my uncle's laggy (yet not completely bad) laptop. For a while, posts may be slow, so head up! Anywho~
Gute nacht! Ja oyasumi! Have a good day~ :3
Pokemon Hive,
Pokemon of the Week,
Ross Epling,
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Pokemon Event - WiFi
That's right, the Shiny event Pokemon are now available~! :3 (NOTE: This is again for the Japanese games only, for now....)
I know I say a lot about Japanese events, but I don't want to mess with the heads of my non-importing, non-Japanese viewers... I want to spread my data and info across the world, as gaming is truly an international pastime! Screw baseball! (Hehe... Screwball...)
Anyway, jokes aside, I will give you the info here again so you guys don't have to go scrounge up my older post about these Pokemon, got it? Ain't I nice~? First of all, these Pokemon are in order here to commemorate the Pokemon Movie(s?) 11, Victini and the Black Hero: Zekrom, and Victini and the White Hero: Reshiram! 8D
To get the Carita's Shiny Hydreigon, you must have Pokemon: Black Version. For Janta's Shiny Golurk, you must have Pokemon: White Version.
It's fairly simple to do, as you just go on WiFi like previous events.
So on, both have pretty nice movepools already on them, and a few adjustments could make them very powerful! They are at Lvl.70 right off the bat, which is always nice~ Now you know the Cherish Ball and Classic Ribbon that always comes exclusively to event Pokemon
This is as much info as I have now, and you guys will be the first to hear of any other releases such as North America, Australia, and Europe! Expect them around movie time, guys~! >:3
So this has been another not-so-excellent update by yours truly: NiGHtsBeta09, the metallic jester~ ;3
Until next time! Ja~ Have a good night~! :3
Black Hero,
Cherish Ball,
Pokemon Hive,
Ross Epling,
shiny Pokemon,
White Hero,
Wishing Ribbon,
Monday, July 4, 2011
Anime Expo
Hey, all~! Just another news update today~ And yes! ZOMG! Three updates in 2 days! Meh, got a problem?
Anyway, I went to Anime Expo 2011 yesterday (July 3rd), and spent the whole day running around with my best friend! In actuality, it was awesome! I had only gone to AX before once, in 2009. When I went there, I went into the Expo Hall, walked around, and that's all. This year, my friend showed me how much that AX really has!
Before the Expo Hall opened (10:00, we got there at 8:00-8:30), we went into the video hall and watched Kanon, then after we explored the Hall for a few hours, we ate then went to another video hall and I got to see Kekkaishi! I was confused about what the story was about for the first couple episoodes, but she was able to guide me through it fine enough~ ^^;;
Anyway, there was so much Pokemon merchandise there! There was a bunch of fan art in the Artist Alley (in which I bought 3 pieces, 2 that were Pokemon and 1 of Pikmin), and a LOT of plushies! I even saw some chibi versions of new Pokemon~ :3 One place that I got excited about was a booth selling things that you cannot find anymore, including the original (Japanese) Pokemon Red and Green Versions! A few more were there, but it was awesome!
As for cosplayers, there were Pokemon ones everywhere. Of course there a few as Ash, a couple as Misty (Woot~), but sadly I only saw maybe one Brock... A lot of people were dressed as Pikachu, I saw Dawn and even Ruby (Brendan), and some Piplup! One group I liked was a Pikachu, Piplup, and even a Quilava~! That was cool and nicely made. Of course there was a Bianca and I even saw Cheren, with quite a few Blacks and Whites (the main characters from Pokemon BW), and to complete the "collection," at least a couple Ns!! X3 Strangely, there was even an Arcanine o3o" And finally, another than I liked was a few people as Umbreon~! That was a good one~
I know this is mostly rambling, but I thought I'd let people know of all the true-blue Pokemon fans that attend the AX every year! Have fun~! :3
ash ketchum,
Pokemon Hive,
Ross Epling,
Pokemon of the Week - Dragonite
Serebii.net - Dragonite Pokedex Entry
Dragonite... Doesn't he look too kind to be a big, powerful Dragon? Well, why not both~? Dragonite boasts a very high Attack stat (one of the highest among non-Legends), and very nice stats all-around! While he may be horridly cast aside by the uber-popular Salamence, Dragonite makes of for the lower Speed and worse Ability. Dragonite has very nice bulk compared to Salamence, as well as a much more diverse and fun movepool. Is Speed really bothering you that much? Dragonite can learn ExtremeSpeed, a +2 Priority Attack~! :3 Try that on for size~
Base Stats:
HP - 91
Atk - 134
Def - 95
SpAtk - 100
SpDef - 100
Spd - 80
Dragonite @ Life Orb
Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: 56 Atk, 252 SpAtk, 200 Spd
Nature: Mild
- Draco Meteor
- Flamethrower
- Superpower
- Roost/ExtremeSpeed
Dragonite can actually run a mixed set very well! With his incredible Attack and respectable Special Attack, this chubby powerhouse can take down a lot of Pokemon. One of the highest ranking uses for this is as a very nice wallbreaker, as he can take down very common ones like Blissey and even Tyranitar~ Draco Meteor badly damages anything that isn't Steel or Blissey, OHKOing many of them! Flamethrower will have enough power to take down just about any Steel-Type thrown at you. Superpower can OHKO Blissey and Tyranitar, while lowering your Attack and Defense, so watch out for a surprise revenge kill! For the last slot, a bit of thought may be needed~ Roost can allow Dragonite to live much longer, so the residual damage of Stealth Rocks, Sandstorms, and your own Life Orb won't kill you, when combined with any attacks your opponent may get in. ExtremeSpeed gives you another attack, and a +2 Priority one, at that! While not as useful as Roost is sometimes, it allows you to bypass Dragonites only big flaw: his lower-than-others Speed! It also allows Dragonite to be an effective lead and revenge killer~ Keep on your toes, and you can devastate your enemies with this set~!
Dragonite @ Life Orb
Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: 252 Atk, 4 Def, 252 Spd
Nature: Adamant
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Claw
- ExtremeSpeed
- Earthquake
Dragonite's typing gives it many resistances and an immunity, and his natural bulk gives him some stall time. Using this, Dragonite is a viable user of Dragon Dance. With Adamant and max Attack, this Pokemon reaches phenomenal Attack power, and enough to outspeed any nonboosted Pokemon with base 125 Speed, after just one Dragon Dance! For a Dragonite, that's incredible~ I chose Dragon Claw over Outrage as it is more reliable, and only a few Pokemon (such as Suicune) will need to be worried about without Outrage. Besides, a move lock and confusion can lay waste to your hard-earned DDs! Next, ExtremeSpeed lets you outspeed the Pokemon that you can't normally, and would give you problems (Flygon, anyone?). Earthquake nicely fits into the last slot and kills non-floating Steels that wall your other attacks. With these moves and all of your different boosts, the only Pokemon to completely wall you are Skarmory and Bronzong. Play this right and watch out for your counters, and you will annihilate all in your dragon's path~!
Well that's the end of that chapter~ Hmm? What? Too cliche? o3o" Whatever, anyway! I hope everyone enjoyed this, as I know I did! Well, except a couple formatting problems that really annoyed me... So, I guess that's it for today~ Stay tuned next time for another nice update!
Guten tag! Ja ne! Good bye~! :3
1st Generation,
ou tier,
Pokemon Hive,
Pokemon of the Week,
Ross Epling
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Game Updates
http://www.serebii.net/Hallo, inhabitants of the Hive! Not much to update today, so I'll give you some smaller information, ok?
The Pokemon Dream World is gaining another update. It doesn't have new Pokemon, but gives a new minigame to control Victini in. If you send in Reshiram or Zekrom into the Dream World, you should gain access to their respective C-Gear Skins, mentioned all before. Do note, I am not entirely sure if this is the one coming to the US Dream World, or if it is Japan-only, again. Good luck, and have fun!
For my second update, I would like to tell about Super Pokemon Scramble, the recently announced new game, and continuation of Pokemon Rumble. This game is still going strong with information, and new pictures have been released and given to Serebii (I wish I had connections like that). If you wish to go and look at the screenshots of pre-release, then check them out here, on the main page and pic page~! Have fun!
Well, that's not much, but that's all I have for the night. Be here tomorrow for another Pokemon of the Week! I'll try and make it a good one~!
Gute nacht! Ja ne! See you soon~ :'3
The Pokemon Dream World is gaining another update. It doesn't have new Pokemon, but gives a new minigame to control Victini in. If you send in Reshiram or Zekrom into the Dream World, you should gain access to their respective C-Gear Skins, mentioned all before. Do note, I am not entirely sure if this is the one coming to the US Dream World, or if it is Japan-only, again. Good luck, and have fun!
For my second update, I would like to tell about Super Pokemon Scramble, the recently announced new game, and continuation of Pokemon Rumble. This game is still going strong with information, and new pictures have been released and given to Serebii (I wish I had connections like that). If you wish to go and look at the screenshots of pre-release, then check them out here, on the main page and pic page~! Have fun!
Well, that's not much, but that's all I have for the night. Be here tomorrow for another Pokemon of the Week! I'll try and make it a good one~!
Gute nacht! Ja ne! See you soon~ :'3
Dream World,
Global Link,
Pokemon Hive,
Pokemon Rumble,
Ross Epling,
Super Pokemon Scramble
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Pokedex 3D: How to Obtain New Pokemon
Pokedex 3D
Nintendo 3DS
Hey guys! Welcome to my latest post in the Pokemon Hive! The bugs bein' nice to ya'~? Anyway, I know a few people are confused about how to get new Pokemon in the free game Pokedex 3D for the 3DS. Well today, I will explain a number of thing. First, for those who barely received their 3DS or haven't downloaded the Pokedex 3D game yet, I will explain how to do so. Then I will go into the number of ways you can get brand new Pokemon! Here we go~
Getting Pokedex 3D
When you start off, your 3DS will normally be missing a few things, such as even the Nintendo eShop (the 3DS equivalent of the Wii Shop Channel). In the package for the 3DS there will be a lot of documentation, and in there is a fold-out instruction sheet labeled something like "Set-Up Guide." Follow the steps in there to start up your handheld, and connect it to the internet if you have WiFi (Note: An Internet Connection is necessary for most of the things in this guide, btw...). After that, perform a System Update (just like the Wii, this can be found in the Settings), and you will get the Nintendo eShop on the 3DS's Main Menu.
Finally, go into the Nintendo eShop. Scroll along their list and you will easily find Pokedex 3D, which absolutely free to download! Follow the instructions there and congratz! You have Pokedex 3D~! When you start off, you will have a free 16 different Pokemon~
Obtaining New Pokemon
A photo of my AR-scanned Gigalith~ Awesome~! |
First is the easiest and most efficient method, but possibly the only method. If you don't know anyone else (explained later) with the 3DS and game, you must rely on this method. Every day, rolling over at 12am midnight (though for some reason it happens around 10pm for me), you will see a dot next to the Pokedex 3D menu icon. This means you have received a new Pokemon's data! Enter the game and it will ask you if you want to download it, so choose "Yes." After that, exit the game or press the Home button on the 3DS, then re-enter the game. In the top right, it will say you have another new Pokemon, so tap it and select "Yes" like before. Finally, repeat that one more time for your 3rd and final Pokemon of the day~! And there you have it, 3 brand new additions to your game~
A couple notes here. You can only get 3 Pokemon total per day, no more. If you choose "No" to downloading it, it will ask again after 30 minutes. Also, these 3 Pokemon will always be ones that you don't already have, so don't worry~ Oh, and finally: you may have to go into Options and turn Spotpass on for this to work, but I think it asks you when you start up your game, as well.
Trade with Friends
Ok, it's Pokemon. Did you really not see this coming? As usual, you have the ability to "trade" Pokemon with your friends, and some Pokemon will actually require this to be obtained. If I am correct, each game has a unique "set" of Pokemon that cannot be gotten in your game (think of them as Version-Specifics). These must be traded with other to get yourself. I think these mostly include the Pokemon with different forms, like Frillish and Deerling.
Anyway, what you do is select the Pokemon in your Pokedex that you wish to trade over, then go to the Options on that page. Next, you'll want to select "Give" to send the data (you don't lose anything). Your friend will want to choose "Get" and will receive the Pokemon that you just sent~ Now you can do this back and forth for whatever Pokemon you each need!
Note: This must be done in local~! You cannot trade over WiFi~! (I noticed other guides weren't noting this...)
AR Stickers
This isn't necessarily a way to obtain new Pokemon, but a way to complete the game fully. Every time you get a Pokemon, you will see a little black and white square symbol on its page. This is their AR Marker. When you scan these with the AR Viewer (found in the Options again), you will register it in the Sticker Book (same place). If you have the Pokemon already when you scan a marker, you will see it pop out into reality! If you've played the AR Games on the 3DS by now, you'll know what I mean... Anyway, this will register the Marker as a full Sticker, and the Sticker Book will put the Pokemon's image over the Marker~ When the Pokemon pops out of the Marker you scanned, if you take a picture of it, it will register the Pokemon's Photo Sticker as well~ So each Pokemon has both a Pokemon Sticker and a Photo Sticker. Think of this as your Pokedex or collection, per say. So get on collecting! It won't be easy!
Oh, before I forget to mention! If there are Pokemon that you have scanned the AR Marker for but don't appear in your Dex already (they won't pop out of the Marker like others do), then those Pokemon have a higher chance of being one of your 3 new Pokemon in Spotpass! Use this to influence who you get! I got Volcarona, Krookodile, and Cubchoo in one day~
Oh, before I forget to mention! If there are Pokemon that you have scanned the AR Marker for but don't appear in your Dex already (they won't pop out of the Marker like others do), then those Pokemon have a higher chance of being one of your 3 new Pokemon in Spotpass! Use this to influence who you get! I got Volcarona, Krookodile, and Cubchoo in one day~
Well, that's all I have for this issue/post/whatever. I hope you guys enjoyed it and found it useful~ So stay tuned as usual, and see you next time!
Guten tag~ Ja ne~ :3
Nintendo 3DS,
Pokedex 3D,
Pokemon Hive,
Pokemon Pokedex,
Ross Epling,
Monday, June 27, 2011
Pokemon of the Week - Volcarona
Here we are, guys~ The generic and weekly Pokemon of the Week! I decided to do another 5th Generation Pokemon. I asked someone close to me, and she said that one of her new favorites is Volcarona~ So I figured, meh, might as well~ So here you go, you have the uniquely-typed Bug/Fire Pokemon, and a strong one at that! As one of the top Special Attackers besides Legends, it would be no surprise if Volcarona is useable in the OU tier. (still not sure if "official" tiers have been announced, though I know Smogon has one, no?)
Serebii.net - Volcarona Pokedex Entry
Volcarona, the Sun Pokemon~! There was confusion as to whether this Pokemon was a Legendary at first, similar to Lucario in 4th Gen, but it seemed to be quickly dispelled with its pre-Evo. In the games, you can get a hidden Volcarona late in game, and somewhat earlier, you can recieve an Egg holding its premature form, Larvesta! But beside the point... Volcarona is a great example of how Nintendo and Game Freak were very generous to Bug Pokemon this Generation (I love that, but Scyther, Scizor, and Heracross are faves of mines still). As a great Special Attacker and a very diverse movepool, this fiery moth will scorch anything in its path... that isn't made of Rock. o3o"
Base Stats:
HP - 85
Atk - 60
Def - 65
SpAtk - 135
SpDef - 105
Spd - 100
Volcarona @ Life Orb
Ability: Flame Body
EVs: 252 SpAtk, 4 SpDef, 252 Spd
Nature: Timid
- Quiver Dance
- Fiery Dance
- Bug Buzz
- Hidden Power [Rock]
Volcarona: the massively powerful armory of Special weapons~ Not only does its Base Stat spread yelp out Special Sweeper, its Special Defense makes it a viable Special Wall as well. Quiver Dance is just a killer here, and makes me surprised that Volcarona doesn't get banned to Uber, or become a top-list threat for it. It raises it Special Attack, Speed, and even its Special Defense even higher, making anything not Physical barely able to take its power! Next, the STAB begins. Fiery Dance is the best choice as it may not be the strongest, but it also raises Special attack further... really? In the long run, it crushes even Fire Blast! next is the powerful Bug Buzz, which is always reliable and will annihilate anything that doesn't resist Bugs after a couple boosts! Finally, Hidden Power [Rock] takes care of Gyarados and the airborne Dragons that would normally clip this moths little (big?) wings! And finally... wait... do the EVs and item even need explanation? Uhm... Oh! I guess if a bad Physical Attack does come your way, the ability offers the chance of a crippling Burn~! Hehe... Have fun~
Volcarona @ Chesto Berry
Ability: Flame Body
EVs: 160 HP, 252 SpAtk, 96 Spd
Nature: Modest
- Rest
- Fiery Dance
- Bug Buzz
- Quiver Dance
Moves-wise, this set is almost exactly the same as the last set. Modest is used here to make up for the lack of the Life Orb. Now most may be saying/thinking: "Wait... Why a Chesto Berry of all things for a Special Sweeper? Even if a Berry is used, why not Lum? It's safer!" *BZZZT!* Wrong~ A random status other than its intention will kinda take down this sets true purpose! What you need to do is bring Volcarona into a Special opponent and use its natural Special bulk to absorb a few hits while you continue on using Quiver Dances! When your health is low, use Rest and presto! Insta-Heal~! This offers a bigger chance for more Quiver Dances to boost you, and will offer a nice surprise for the opponent who doesn't see a heal coming like that! After the immense boosting from QD, move onto annihilating everything they throw at you~ I chose Fiery Dance again as even though Fire Blast would be better after losing your Life Orb, you may need a STAB attack after a couple QDs if a dangerous opponent is brought in, so that way you can kill it without fully stopping your boost. Lastly, Bug Buzz offers the final STAB attack, and is still one of Volcarona's best attacks~ I would like to quote a maker of this set (zdrup15 of Smogon), as this Pokemon will attract players like a moth to a flame! (bad pun, I know... o3o")
Hehe, this was fun to write! Unless a Pokemon is a favorite of mine, I tend to stay away from the overly-used and overly-powerful ones, but this Pokemon just seems too fun to use! I use what I like, but haven't had a lot of room to experiment like the one who chose this PotW has, since she has used it in her games. In my Black, I just have my Emboar, Zebstrika, Gigalith, Beartic, Zoroark, and Fraxure (soon to be Haxorus).
Anyway! Outside the rambling! (I do that a lot...) I hope you guys had fun~! Stay tuned for more information, and I'll talk to you all later! Oh, btw, my new additions to Pokedex 3D this morning were Munna, Sawk, and... *checks* oh yeah, Gothita!
So, gute nacht, guten tag, und guten morgen! Hehe... backwards... I'll catch you all later! Ja ne!
Pokemon Hive,
Pokemon of the Week,
Ross Epling,
Volcarona moveset
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Nintendo 3DS
I got it finally~!
Hey~ It's a Mii of me~ |
Hallo, all~! I know I haven't updated a lot lately, but i wanna change it. I don't want this to become a blog of Pokemon of the week~ ^^" I hear of these bloggers who say you only have to update maybe once or twice a week to get the people happy, and I'm not sure if it works or not, but it just seems too little, to me... o3o"
Anyway, back to the main topic! I finally got a 3DS! I got the Aqua Blue version >:3 I normally would wait a while as I see no reason to pay $250 for a game thingy, but this was my graduation present (I graduated from high school almost 2 weeks ago), and I really wanted the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D~!! It's the remake of my favorite game of all time, so i was excited about it.
Not only this, but in line in Luigi's Mansion 2 (announced in E3 2011), Mario Kart 3D, and the one to be released in 2 days, Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 3D!! I really wanna try them, and the things built into the 3DS are awesome! Honestly though, it's worth the price, but only if you have a few games to play on it as well. I was only able to buy a game when I bought it because I've had a $40 Best Buy gift card for almost 2 years! xD
Anyways, I'll update more on this, as well as Pokemon of course~ I got PokeDex 3D and am waiting to recieve more Pokemon to learn how it works, exactly. ^^" I'll keep posted!
Devil Survivor,
Legend of Zelda,
Mario Kart,
Nintendo 3DS,
Ocarina 3D,
Ocarina of Time,
Pokemon Hive,
Ross Epling,
Shin Megami Tensei
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Pokemon Card Game: How To Play DS
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I don't think this is of the game itself... o3o" Again, I don't like to steal from Serebii. |
Another small update here as well. A few days ago information was released for a new game for the DS. This one revolves around the Pokemon Trading Card Game. Well, I don't know if you can call it that, since it's not a full-fledged game.
Now I have to say, I loved the Pokemon TCG for the GameBoy (Color?) that came out so long ago, and it was a fave of mine. I got excited when I saw this, but not as much now. Not to say it doesn't look good, as it really does! It's just not like the old one.
Think of this as a portable rulebook/guidebook for the TCG. It teaches you all the rules so that by the end, you'll be playing like the rest of us! Great for new players, or those like me that stopped playing in 2nd Generation TCG.. o3o"
At the end of all the tutorials and lessons, I am to believe that it gives you a few trainers that you can practice your newly found skills on, and hopefully win! Honestly, I think this will be great for those who don't know the commonplace rules of the new game and only remember the old. See below for an example:
Me: Alright! I killed it! Now gimme my Prize~! >:3
Opponent: I activate my [Pokemon]'s Ability! That counters you!
Opponent: I activate my [Pokemon]'s Ability! That counters you!
Me: What happened to my Prize? ; 3 ; *sniffle* Wait, Ability? What the heck happened to PokePowers?! >8U *annoyed*
NiGHtsBeta09 is confused! It hurt itself in its confusion!
See what I mean? >3> Anyway! If you guys were fans of it, or had an interest, I'd recommend at least trying it out! So have fun~!
See you next time in the Pokemon Hive, guys~! Everybody have a great night and day! :3 Ja~
How To,
How To Play,
Pokemon cards,
Pokemon Hive,
Pokemon TCG,
Ross Epling,
Japanese Dream World
Hey guys! Sorry about the lack of recent updates! I've been a bit caught up with things, plus I'm kind of in a state between inspired and demotivated. Sheesh... feels like my art block all over again... >>
Anyway, I have a few updates to let you all in on, but sadly most from this post will be focused on the Japanese Dream World and/or Global Link.
If you are members of the Japan PGL, then listen up! There are a bunch of updates, downloads and new items for you guys to take advantage of! Log on to the PGL now (you may have to traverse to your own language though), and check out things like the promotions! Many have to do with the new Pokemon movies though, featuring Victini, Zekrom, and Reshiram.
Now these have a bit of variety... They range from C-Gear skins like the newly released Zekrom and Reshiram ones, all the way to those Shiny Pokemon I mentioned before and the Pokemon Cafe! Little need to say, just go check it out, ok??
Oh, and as another update:
Eeveelutions are in! Or at least, they should be... Nintendo has been working on the problem of many people not being able to get their Eeveelutions even though they did everything they should. Within today, give or take some time, you should be able to get it! Next time you log on to the PGL (link above), go ahead and get your fox-ish friend! You deserve it~! >:3
Have fun, and always keep updated here, ok~? I'll provide everything I can!
See you next time in the Hive! :'3
Guten tag! Ja ne!
Anyway, I have a few updates to let you all in on, but sadly most from this post will be focused on the Japanese Dream World and/or Global Link.
If you are members of the Japan PGL, then listen up! There are a bunch of updates, downloads and new items for you guys to take advantage of! Log on to the PGL now (you may have to traverse to your own language though), and check out things like the promotions! Many have to do with the new Pokemon movies though, featuring Victini, Zekrom, and Reshiram.
Now these have a bit of variety... They range from C-Gear skins like the newly released Zekrom and Reshiram ones, all the way to those Shiny Pokemon I mentioned before and the Pokemon Cafe! Little need to say, just go check it out, ok??
PS) I would have used a screen of the C-Gear Skins, but I
couldn't find one and didn't want to steal from Serebii.
Oh, and as another update:
Eeveelutions are in! Or at least, they should be... Nintendo has been working on the problem of many people not being able to get their Eeveelutions even though they did everything they should. Within today, give or take some time, you should be able to get it! Next time you log on to the PGL (link above), go ahead and get your fox-ish friend! You deserve it~! >:3
Have fun, and always keep updated here, ok~? I'll provide everything I can!
See you next time in the Hive! :'3
Guten tag! Ja ne!
Dream World,
Pokemon Global Link,
Pokemon Hive,
Ross Epling,
Monday, June 20, 2011
Pokemon of the Week - Luxray
Yay! Another Pokemon of the Week post! I'm surprised I've been keeping them up so diligently, honestly... o3o" Anyway, I've always liked Luxray, ever since Diamond first was released and I had one on my main team! ^^" Anyway, I just thought it looked cool and the blue and black Electric-Type was pretty unique~ So anyway, before I ramble, I hope you like the issue today! :'3
Serebii.net - Luxray Pokedex Entry
Not much to say about Luxray besides the fact that he is very unique, and not only aesthetically! Luxray is different from many general Electric-Types such as Jolteon and Raikou, in that is has high Attack, lower Speed, decent bulk, and a nice movepool in offensives! With this and a lack of a strong STAB besides Spark, Luxray is generally seen as a wallbreaker rather than a sweeper like many other Electrics. Its quirks help deem it a spot in battle that others may not be able to effectively fill, so Luxray is a good Pokemon~
Base Stats:
HP - 80
Atk - 120
Def - 79
SpAtk - 95
SpDef - 79
Spd - 70
Luxray @ Life Orb
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 204 Atk, 156 SpAtk, 148 Spd
Nature: Naughty
- Thunderbolt
- Superpower
- Hidden Power Grass
- Crunch
This is an interesting set to say the least, especially given the low number of effective wallbreakers. This lets Luxray shine in its niche, with its diverse offensive movepool~ Thunderbolt is the general STAB that hits hard despite his better Attack stat, and can help take down opponents such as Slowbro and Tentacruel, along with all bulky Waters in general. Superpower annihilates Special walls like Blissey and the such, and can hit those Rock and Steel walls easily. Hidden Power Grass takes down Ground-Types, and Hidden Power mixed with Superpower can 2HKO Donphan and Rhyperior. If you take Hidden Power Water instead, you can beat Steelix with that combination, but lose a way to decimate Quagsire and even Swampert, depending on your tier. Finally, Crunch takes care of your general and somewhat common Uxie and Claydol, among a few others. Life Orb gives you the best boost possible, and the EVs spread out to maximize the Special Sweeping capabilities of your lustrous Luxray~
Luxray @ Rechargeable Battery
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 64 HP, 188 Atk, 24 Def, 112 SpAtk, 24 SpDef, 96 Spd
Nature: Rash
- Thunder(bolt)
- Ice Fang
- Superpower
- Roar
Haha, I saw this set and it seemed alright, then I checked out the EV spread and thought that it was hilarious! I don't think I've ever seen such a spread out EV set, but it looked plausible, so I thought I'd post it. Thunderbolt is the main STAB here, and supplements the wallbreaking further with the other moves. Due note that the original set used Thunder instead, but Thunderbolt seemed more reliable. But with the low spread of EVs, Thunder's power is probably necessary... Anyway, Ice Fang helps by taking out many of the common Ground walls too. Superpower finishes the nice triad of moves that really helps in coverage! These three moves are actually pretty nicely workable. Lastly, Roar phazes anyone who gets too much set up in before it can be swept. Lastly, Rechargeable Battery helps in case you need to take out a Pokemon or two quicker, so go for it! this set should be amusing to use, overall~!
Ah, done~ Anyone enjoy this one actually? Like I've said before, I don't know how many dedicated readers I have here, besides one person in particular~ :'3 I always like new interested people, so let me know what you guys like or want! I respond to all comments I get, and always will~! Anyway, I hope you guys stay and be here to read on about new things. Have a nice day/night/whatever~
Ah, done~ Anyone enjoy this one actually? Like I've said before, I don't know how many dedicated readers I have here, besides one person in particular~ :'3 I always like new interested people, so let me know what you guys like or want! I respond to all comments I get, and always will~! Anyway, I hope you guys stay and be here to read on about new things. Have a nice day/night/whatever~
Ja ne~ Gute nacht~! See ya' later, all! :3
4th Generation,
have a good day,
Pokemon Hive,
Pokemon movesets,
Pokemon of the Week,
Ross Epling
Friday, June 17, 2011
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team
Hey, guys~! Welcome to my first game recommendation/review! I hope you enjoy my review here, and hopefully feel enough to wanna try these games, if you haven't already~ I love this one especially~
The gameplay in this game was ground-breaking! For once, we play as Pokemon in a battling setting that was more similar to the mainstream series. This alone made the game a worthy try in any fans' eyes. The controls are immensely easy to learn and get used to, as I can now traverse the dungeons and change directions without even thinking about it! If the game is too slow for you, you can go and simply hold B to speed it up big time! Plus, you can set throwing items like rocks and needle, as well as one of your attacks, to a button shortcut.
Other things such as linking moves for use in a single turn, or revamped items like the mega-healing Oran Berry, and hold items like X-Ray Specs or Friend Bow, this game is just fun overall~ Oh, and before I forget: you don't catch things in this game. You recruit them to your rescue team! To do this, you simply defeat the Pokemon, and given that you have their Friend Area (the place where your recruits "live" after you get them) and enough luck, they may ask to join you. You can bring up to 4 Pokemon with you at a time, depending on their size.
Oh, and one last thing, this is a 3rd Generation game, so that means there is no Physical/Special Split. And also, every single Pokemon before Diamond and Pearl are in it (though about 5 4th Gen Pokemon have references in the game, and one may even appear in-game, but not as a recruitable).
The plot of this story is simple, but at times deep. It starts with you being given a personality test, where (depending on your answers), you are attributed to a certain given Pokemon. You have the possibility of being a Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Pikachu, Cubone, Machop, Psyduck, Eevee, Meowth, Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Treecko, Torchic, Mudkip, or Skitty. Due note: only male characters can be Cyndaquil, Machop, or Meowth, while only female characters can be Chikorita, Eevee, or Skitty. Your gender does not affect gameplay, so if you are a girl and you want a Cyndaquil, selecting "Male" will not affect your game~ (They changed the gender-only aspect in the second games)
Anyway, back to the plot! After the test, you choose your Partner Pokemon (only Starter Pokemon from the mainstream games can be Partners, like Pikachu, Bulbasaur, or Treecko), then your game begins. You wake up to find that, in fact, you are a human that was turned into a Pokemon! Awesome! But... you don't know why... Your Partner finds you unconscious, and you explain to him what you are, though (s)he thinks you weird initially. Soon you find out about the natural disasters occurring in the Pokemon World, and go off to save someone. Now, I don't want to spoil the plot after that, but you meet many interesting Pokemon in your journeys as a young Rescue Team, and near the end, the plot gets a bit thicker, and very sad at points. It is a very emotional game, and I love the game for adding in the emotion that your other Pokemon games may lack!
The best part is, after the credits roll for the main game end, there is still about twice as much story for you to do afterwards! This game never ends~! I know others will highly enjoy this too~
Oh, the music~! The musical score in this game is phenominal! The peaceful sounds of each dungeon are calming, and help you keep your cool in heated dungeons. Other than this, the overworld and town themes just sound fun and nice to hear after you return from one of the larger dungeons like Western Cave or Buried Relic. Some favorites of mine are Mt. Thunder and the Frozen Forest, among a few late-game ones. Also to note, the battle and boss theme in this game is one of the best I've ever heard, from many games and series! It's totally worth it, and fits the fight well~!
Not much more I can say about the game, but I would highly recommend it! Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team is for the Nintendo DS, while Red Rescue Team is for the GameBoy Advance. Both games only have minor differences, such as a few Pokemon that appear in only one. But never fear, it is possible to get the Red-only Pokemon games in Blue, without having to connect with someone that has Red! So pick whichever you prefer or have access to!
For those of you who want the 4th Generation Mystery Dungeon games, look into Explorers of Time, Explorers of Darkness, and Explorers of the Sky~ All equally great games that many will enjoy!
If you would like to buy or try out any of these games, you can find them for pretty good prices below here~ Have fun~ And see you soon~! :3
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky
Mystery Dungeon,
Pokemon Hive,
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon,
Rescue Team,
Ross Epling,
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